Thursday, December 21, 2017

Which Type of Ice Is Right for You?

There are two basic kinds of ice that you can use for your business or your apartment complex. The most common types are flakes and cubes. Most ice machines make one kind or the other; however, the exact size and shape of the ice cubes or flakes can change depending on the machine you choose. Choosing the right ice machine is important because the right kind of ice can save you a lot of time and money. For example, if you need ice to keep your food storage units cold, you need to have the right kind. If you don’t choose the right kind of ice, it could result in you losing some money if the temperature is not properly maintained and the food has to be thrown out.

Ice Cubes
Ice cubes are probably the more diverse and multi-functional type of ice. Ice cubes can be used in cold drinks to keep them cold; they can also be used to keep a cooler cold while you store food or drinks there. If you pack items, you can pack them in cubes as well. Ice cubes are mostly useful when you need the ice to make something cold without melting. Ice tends to melt in an inverse proportion to its size. Smaller ice cubes melt faster. Therefore, you want a bigger ice cube for using in drinks. If you use larger ice cubes, they will not melt as quickly. However, smaller ice cubes will take up more space. Therefore, people who charge for drinks and refills often like smaller ice cubes because they take up more space in the cup. Bigger ice cubes are preferable for private use in which they will not melt. Choosing Manitowoc ice machines in Perth is a matter of choosing machines that will produce the right size of ice cubes. You can also choose ice flakes.

Ice Flakes
Ice flakes are useful because they tend to melt quickly. In some cases, you actually want ice that will melt quickly. The most common example is storing food on display that has to be kept cold. If the food has to be kept cold, then you might want to use ice flakes to put it on display. When you put food into a bed of ice flakes, the ice on the surface and directly around the food items will melt somewhat. That will help the bed of ice reshape to conform around the food. The ambient temperature of the rest of the ice will generally result in that top layer of ice melting. Then it will be a carefully conforming bed of ice to keep things cold.

Storing food items on a bed of ice is best done with flakes but it can be done with cubes as well. If you need diversity, you should probably choose cubes. Smaller cubes will be more useful in multiple circumstances.

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